Sunday, January 01, 2006


John Dean is my new hero. It seems the most anybody else is saying is, well, maaaaybe we should think about possibly sometime, like, you know, investigating whether to do anything about Bush's admission of illegal spying. Then here comes John Dean, who knows about this kind of stuff firsthand, saying:

Then, on Saturday, December 17, in his radio broadcast, Bush admitted that the New York Times was correct - and thus conceded he had committed an impeachable offense.

There can be no serious question that warrantless wiretapping, in violation of the law, is impeachable...

Indeed, here, Bush may have outdone Nixon...

In sum, this is big-time, Big Brother electronic surveillance...

Bush has given one legal explanation for his actions which borders on the laughable: He claims that implicit in Congress' authorization of his use of force against the Taliban in Afghanistan, following the 9/11 attack, was an exemption from FISA.

Good for him. Someone needs to stand up and call bullshit on this stuff.

And Bush's response is to investigate who leaked the info to the NYT. Pathetic.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, the problem here isn't a lack of information, it's a lack of coordination among the people who have the information -- after all, Bush was informed about Bin Laden's plans a month before 9/11. (See also Katrina.) These guys have the information they need; they're just too incompetent to do anything with it.


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