Wednesday, July 06, 2005


the wisdom of this whole independence thing. With the benefit of 229 years of hindsight, would being a member of the British Commonwealth really be such a bad thing? As occupying nations go, you could do a lot worse. (Yeah, yeah -- "colonised by wankers" -- funny, sure, but what, you'd rather have the Germans?) Plus, lately I'm thinking that, much like an eager 18 year old with a GED, perhaps we rushed into the whole thing a bit rashly. Maybe we weren't ready. Sure, we've spent a few decades boozing, whoring, slaving, warring, and generally breaking stuff all 'round the big ol' world, but lots of kids make a mess of things their first time out on their own. So do you suppose they'd take us back? How about just the original 13 colonies? Or maybe just the blue states? Couldn't hurt to ask. God save the Queen...

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